Make sure you give yourself enough time! You should allow at least one hour for the first time you give blood, as you will be required to fill out extensive forms about your health history during your first visit. Please note that the last two appointments of the day are not suitable for people who are giving blood for the first time. Thank you! You will find all the information and criteria concerning blood donation on
Please do not arrive too early for the agreed appointment.
Arrival by public transport:
Postbus 101 from Berne main station or Welle7 to the stop "Weyermannshaus" (5 - 10 min.).
Individual journey:
Parking spaces available
Not sure whether you are currently eligible to donate blood? Find out now with our donor eligibility check
Donor eligibility check
Are you currently feeling healthy? e.g. no cold, runny nose, sore throat, etc.
Have you taken any medicine – including non-prescription medicine – e.g. tablets, injections, suppositories, or received any vaccinations in the last four weeks?
Have you travelled outside of Switzerland in the last 12 months?
Have you undergone dental treatment in the last 14 days?
Have you had a tattoo or piercing in the last 4 months?
Have you changed your sexual partner in the past 4 months? Or have you had sexual contact (protected or unprotected) with more than two people in the past 4 months?
Have you suffered a tick bite in the last 30 days?
Have you undergone a colonoscopy or gastroscopy in the last four months?
Thank you! You meet the most important criteria for donating blood.
Further information is needed to assess whether you are eligible to donate blood.
For more information, please call the toll-free number 0800 148 148 or email
Eligibility to donate blood depends on the vaccination you received. After a COVID-19 vaccination, you must wait 48 hours before donating blood. If symptoms appear, you must wait at least seven days. For more information, please do the vaccination check, call the toll-free number 0800 148 148 or email
Further information is needed to assess whether you are eligible to donate blood.
Check your travel destination using the Travel-Check.
Small injuries occur during these treatments. These can be entry points for bacteria and viruses. In order to rule out inflammation or infection, a waiting period of:
24 hours after scaling (dental hygiene) or simple fillings.
1 week after tooth extraction (removal of a tooth without surgical intervention).
2 weeks after discontinuation of antibiotic treatment and disappearance of symptoms after complicated extraction or surgical intervention.
Unfortunately, you cannot donate at the moment.
If you have had a new piercing or tattoo, there is a waiting period of 4 months until your next blood donation. This helps to rule out possible infections and inflammations.