Book an appointment

Zeit für gute Sommergefühle!

Zeit für gute Sommergefühle!

When would you like to give blood?

Choose donation type

The following time slots are available:

What date would you like to give blood on?

Please select a time on 23/10/2024

Make sure you give yourself enough time! You should allow at least one hour for the first time you give blood, as you will be required to fill out extensive forms about your health history during your first visit.
Please note that the last two appointments of the day are not suitable for people who are giving blood for the first time. Thank you!
You will find all the information and criteria concerning blood donation on

Bern-Wankdorf | medi

Aula | medi - Zentrum für medizinische Bildung
Max Daetwyler Platz 2
3014 Bern

Not sure whether you are currently eligible to donate blood?
Find out now with our donor eligibility check