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EHC Biel / Tissot Arena I Biel

Tissot Arena
Boulevard des Sports 18
2504 Biel-Bienne

Date Change

Saturday - 01/02/2025

10:30 am/pm
Whole blood

Une affaire de coeur: EHC Biel-Fans spenden Blut

All fields marked with * are mandatory fields


We require your email address to book your appointment.
We would be happy to send you an appointment reminder by email.

Appointment reminder by text

Would you like a reminder text message before your donation?
Mitmachen & Gewinnen

iPhone 16 zu gewinnen

Ich nehme an der Verlosung teil und habe die Teilnahmebedingungen und Datenschutzbestimmungen gelesen und stimme zu.
I hereby accept the Privacy policy and terms of use *
I am giving blood for the first time.